
In Between | Armin/Jonas Goehringer | Duo Exhibition

14.09.2024 - 02.11.2024

Opening reception: 13.09.2024 | 7:00 pm

Exhibtion: 14.09.2024 - 02.11.2024

Opening speech: Dr. Antje Lechleiter

The duo exhibition IN BETWEEN shows the in-between, the indeterminable in the works of Armin and Jonas Göhringer. The central themes in the abstract wooden sculptures by Armin Göhringer (*1954) and abstract drawings by Jonas Göhringer (*1991) are the relationships, affinities, influences and experiences of both artists.

Armin Göhringer is one of those sculptors of the contemporary art for whom the exploration of the limits of the possible as the focus of his work demands more than just formal and manual challenges.
challenges in terms of form and craftsmanship. He works his wooden sculptures exclusively with the virtuoso use of the chainsaw. Unique cubes, blocks, steles or objects with grid-like openings, breakthroughs and net-like structures are created from a compact wooden trunk.

Jonas Göhringer's works captivate with precisely constructed pencil lines. Multi-layered levels become visible and spatial through light reflections of the applied graphite. The informal application of acrylic paint applied in advance complements the calm guidance of the pencil described above.

Armin Goehringer | o. T. | 2017 | Mahagoni geölt | 130 x 76 x 3 cm

Armin Goehringer | o. T. | 2017 | Mahagoni geölt | 130 x 76 x 3 cm